Every year, my husband, daughter, and I sit down and discuss how we want to celebrate key HolyDays and Festivals in our home. We have some of the usual suspects that you’d expect in a home with an 8-year old girl (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays, Halloween, etc.). Per her request, we also have Diwali and Spring…
Tag: Goddess Practice
Mary as Theotokos and Spring Birthings
March is a contemplative month for me. It always brings me back to the year of my daughter’s birth. I spent the whole month of March that year in exhausted exaltation. I was becoming a mother, and while I was excited beyond all belief at finally getting to hold my baby girl in my arms,…
Quick and Easy Samhain – Tips for making your HolyDay just a little easier
There are times and places for large-scale formal rituals, and just as many times and places for casting a circle on the fly. But what about all those in-between times when you want to celebrate a Holy Day or a seasonal shift, and you have no idea where to begin? Here are a few quick…